Creative Seedlings
Dinner & Dialogue

Calling all Blerds!
Inspired by Wesley Clark’s centennial installation genesis, Phillips@THEARC, in collaboration with Blerdcon founder Hilton George, and Prof. Raél Jero Salley, Founding Director of The Space for Creative Black Imagination, MICA, hosts a series of dinner and dialogues on Blerd culture. Join us for supper, music and the opportunity to be part of a growing visual archive on Blerdom in the DMV. This program is a platform for regular gatherings and engagement with ‘creative seedlings,’ a core theme of Clark’s work.
This session will feature a conversation with acclaimed illustrator and author Shawn Martinbrough and dinner provided by Dyvine BBQ in Motion.
About Shawn Martinbrough
Shawn Martinbrough is the author of How to Draw Noir Comics: The Art and Technique of Visual Storytelling, published by Penguin Random House and an Eisner award nominated artist whose projects include Batman: Detective Comics, Luke Cage Noir, The Black Panther, Hellboy, Prométhée 13:13 and Thief of Thieves, the graphic novel series co-created with Robert Kirkman (The Walking Dead, INVINCIBLE). Shawn is a co-author of Judge Kim and the Kids’ Court, a new children’s book series from Simon & Schuster and is the artist of Like Lava in My Veins, the best-selling kid’s book written by award-winning author Derrick D. Barnes for Nancy Paulsen Books/Penguin Random House. Red Hood : The Hill, written by Shawn and illustrated by award-winning artist Sanford Greene (Bitter Root) and Tony Akins, begins in February from DC Comics.

Photo: Joy Asico and Eli Kaplan
IMAGE: Wesley Clark, genesis, 2022, Centennial Commission at Phillips@THEARC