James McLaughlin Memorial Staff Show

For more than 25 years, The Phillips Collection has held a staff show to feature the works of artists employed at the museum. In 1984, the staff show was endowed by the family of James McLaughlin, an accomplished still-life painter who was a student at the Phillips Gallery Art School and also worked at the museum for 50 years. Until his death in 1982, McLaughlin played an active role in the museum’s activities as a gallery preparator and curator.
Featured Artists
- Molly Abraham
- Roberto Alcaraz
- Lauren Argueta
- Ernest Baroni
- Naomi Berhane
- Fallon Chase
- Christy Conrad
- Tiffany Corbin
- Esther Epstein
- Travis Ferguson
- Emily Francisco
- Donna Gabriel
- April Gifford
- Andrew Gilman
- Melissa Groth
- Mike Guy
- Travis Houze
- Joel Innovinci
- Gregory Jallat
- Anna Kaminski
- Racquel Keller
- Chad Lawrence
- Ann Lipscombe
- Ashley Most
- Hadiyyah Muhammad
- Rhiannon Newman
- Brittany O’Dowd
- Arnold Oppler
- Victor Pierre
- Victoria Potucek
- Emily Rader
- Alanna Reeves
- Mark Sampson
- Lizzie Sampson
- Kim Sandara
- Angela Silhan
- Laurel Simon
- Pamela Singleton Howe
- Kayla Skibbe
- Sean Smith
- Patricia Svoboda
- Bella Varela
- Mark Westman
- Jeffrey Whitelow
- Stephen Whiteside
- Amy Wike
- Alexandra Wilson
- Tracy Wingate
- Shelly Wischhusen