Leading Edge Ideas
Inside the 21st-Century Museum

The Phillips Collection invites you to a day of discussions about new ways to support the arts, the impact of arts on well-being, and how art can be a connector in a globalized world.
Event Details
The Phillips Collection invites you to a day of discussions about new ways to support the arts, the impact of arts on well-being, and how art can be a connector in a globalized world.
10 am
Panel Discussion: Philosophies of Philanthropy
Vicki and Roger Sant, longtime supporters of The Phillips Collection and leading Washington philanthropists, in conversation, with Jeffrey Brown, Chief Correspondent for Arts, Culture, and Society, PBS NewsHour
10:45 am
Presentation of Duncan Phillips Medal to Vicki and Roger Sant
11 am
Panel Discussion: Art, Contemplation, and Well-Being
in partnership with the University of Virginia
Screening of the ART21 segment on artist Wolfgang Laib, with an introduction from Klaus Ottmann, Director of the Center for the Study of Modern Art, The Phillips Collection
Moderated by Tim McHenry, Director of Public Programs and Performance, Rubin Museum of Art
Wolfgang Laib, creator of the Laib Wax Room at The Phillips Collection
David Germano, Lead Faculty Director, Contemplative Sciences Center, UVA
Kennita R. Carter, Acting Director, Integrative Health Coordinating Center, Office of Patient Centered Care and Cultural Transformation at the Veterans Health Administration
Brooke Rosenblatt, Head of Public Engagement, The Phillips Collection
12:30 pm
Lunch Break and Performance by Pedro Lasch
of Abstract Nationalism & National Abstraction: Anthems for Four Voices
of Abstract Nationalism & National Abstraction: Anthems for Four Voices
2 pm
Panel Discussion: The Arts in Africa
in partnership with Art in Embassies
Moderated by Johnnetta Cole, Director of the Smithsonian National Museum of African Art
PANELISTSSenegalese artists Muhsana Ali, Fode Camara, Viye Diba, and Piniang (Ibrahima Niang), who created a mural at The Phillips CollectionHarriet Elam-Thomas, US Ambassador to Senegal from 2000–2002
3 pm
Closing Keynote: Arianna Huffington
Event update: Arianna Huffington is unable to speak at this program
4 pm
Performance by Pedro Lasch
of Abstract Nationalism & National Abstraction: Anthems for Four Voices
of Abstract Nationalism & National Abstraction: Anthems for Four Voices